To Whom It May Concern..


The Universe picked me up right where you put me down."

To whom it may concern,

You've come to mind more often than not these days but not for the reasons you'd think. I'm sure you think I'm so far gone and only hate you for the way you brought things to an unexpected end. You're actually right but this letter is not just for you. 

I'm thinking about all the ones who have come across my path and taught me the difficult lessons I didn't really want to learn, yet here I am actually filled with more gratitude than I thought was possible.

To whom it may concern, 

thank you for letting me go.

thank you for making me feel like I wasn't enough.

for sparking a fire within me so I now only burn with ambition to be bolder, better and stronger than the person I was before. Each and every time someone has tried to stop me, tell me no, hold me back, break my heart, I've only come to stand back up exactly where I was meant to.

You see, people like you need to break down and lose people like me to go on. It's really not that funny but I laugh when I think of all the times your words made me feel like somehow it was my fault and how I can still vividly remember the unraveling that it keeps me awake at night.

I don't want to learn these lessons this way but when you love with blind optimism that is the reality you must accept. But this is not a weakness rather a strength that not enough possess. 

The next time you go on to break another's heart, just be prepared for all the kickass amazing ways they will accomplish WITHOUT you. 

So to whom it may concern,

I just wanted thank you and let you know I hope you too find the way to your dreams. 

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